Sunday, February 28, 2010


Back when Contemporary Christian Music first became commercially viable in the mid 80’s with artists such as Amy Grant; I started my own CCM disk jockey show on a local 5,000 watt AM in Savannah, Georgia. The program concentrated on the current Christian top 40 plus recurrent hits and traditional Gospel with a modern beat. Today I present an unscoped original aircheck from October 1986. The month was known as “Rocktober” thanks to a promotional poster hung on the control room wall from Sparrow Records label. Enjoy the show!

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fluffy News

Give me a break! Is this Tiger Woods infidelity issue hard news? The man’s many fornications have been presented to the American public as if they were more important than real news. I don’t know who is pulling the strings at ABC news; but, did they really think that a 15 minute press conference with the golfer was in the national interest? Was it really a “Special Report”? Yesterday in Austin, Texas, an idiot deliberately flew a small plane into the IRS building and that story didn’t get as much press. What an upside down world we live in today.

The Woods story should have, at best, been covered on Entertainment Tonight. This is not hard news!

Through out my years in radio we covered many stories: Soldiers leaving for Desert Storm, The Olympic Committee announcing Atlanta would host the 1996 Games, a school on fire, and various stories in the public interest. And as just an observer over the years; when TV news interrupted normal programming, something bad had happened. I remember in ‘86 when the space shuttle exploded. In the early 80’s when President Reagan was shot and the horrible events of September 11th, 2001 unfolding live in a Special Report.

I was home today when my heart sank; the Special Report graphic came up on my screen. Who died? Did something explode? No. It was a pro athlete apologizing for cheating on his wife. Friend, this is not special.


Stay tuned

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Peanut Whistle Audio

Peanut Whistle Audio Check out this link to my new Gospel Rewind Podcast page. It's still in development so I will update page features as inspiration strikes me. Enjoy, subscribe and please check back often.

Stay tuned

© 2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Celebration Sunday

Before I get into today's post allow me to direct you to one of the new pages of this site. About a year ago I put together a small glossary of common terms used in the radio industry. Click on  the Gospel Aircheck Glossary in the side column should you need clarification on any technical word I sometimes slip into a post.

Sunday was a blast. I returned to my first audio love -- doing live church sound -- for the first time in a few months. I will chronicle my new journey here.

My day started around 7:30 AM Sunday with sound check and practice that paid off tremendously. Very talented singers and musicians made my job easy. Having the service planned out with a software program called Planning Center Online that delivers a detailed run down of all the songs, transitions and order of service via my e-mail in box. (Something I never dreamed of 30 years ago.)

One of my favorite things about working live sound in this modern age is the lack of feedback and noise in the audio. The church's Yamaha GA32/12 mixer is an intuitive design with loads of headroom and noise free operation. Additionally their DBX Driverack-PA+ is a device I have fell in love with for its unique ability to eliminate all unwanted squeals. This is one of the better equipment setups I've worked with. One thing I would like to introduce to the audio chain is a little light reverb on vocals; the space needs a some help to liven it up. Overall, audio coverage is excellent with Electro-Voice and JBL monitors flying above with massive Yamaha 3-way speakers and subs on the floor. I have a feeling we could rattle the walls with the sounds of praise.

DBX Driverack-PA+

Yamaha GA32/12

Stay Tuned

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day!

Woo who Snow in North Georgia! So much for global warming; here is a shot of my baby girl's tricycle. Weather reports on our local ABC affiliate WSB TV state that as much as 6" of snow fell yesterday and overnight. What great fun for the kids! Go to my Facebook page to see all the photos I snapped today.

Stay tuned

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let's Rewind

Now a blast from the past. Presented here today is a classic episode of Gospel Rewind featuring two timeless songs. Some of the contact info has changed. Reach me through email

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Back in October of 1986 at my radio home number one a certain CCM label, I think Sparrow records, sent the station a promotional poster renaming the month "Rocktober". The following unscoped aircheck is my afternoon contemporary Christian music show. It is a stereo rebuild of the original mono recording. Enjoy.

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Get On Board!

Here at the Peanut Whistle I take a great deal of pride in the work accomplished over the years with various audio projects: the band demos, radio airchecks, commercials, and the podcasts. You’re invited to join this blog as a subscriber (did I mention it’s free!) While you read and visit click play on the mp3 players on the side column. You can subscribe by clicking on the “subscribe” button. You may have to scroll down a little. If you are viewing this via Facebook or in a reader, make sure you visit us at our website for all the media content we offer. Interact with the Whistle; you may contact me at

Stay tuned
©2010 the Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Roots

I have found that blogging about church life is generally a very slippery slope. What I mean is that last week was both good and bad for the companion blog, the Peanut Whistle. I wrote a couple of posts that I felt were necessary. My family is transitioning to a new church home that we are very excited about; I wanted to chronicle the thought process that went into making the decision to leave a congregation and denomination where my wife and I shared deep roots. We met there, fell in love and had two of our babies dedicated there. Change is a process. This one is for the better.

Watch for new posts on what I continue to learn in church sound beginning my venture volunteering in an audio department that is now fully integrated with digital technology. When I began nearly thirty years ago the state of the art was analog; trending to using tracks on cassette, letting the piano collect dust. By the mid 90’s CD’s were used for soundtrack accompaniment. Note here that I always felt that live musicians were superior to canned music in worship. Tracks seemed too karaoke. I don’t want to offend an entire industry built on producing these recordings but they kill spontaneity. Not to mention the poor audio quality of the cassettes in the eighties; tape hiss was my constant nemesis. Although CD’s sounded better than tapes, the instruments needed playing again. Good news is that this new church has some talented musicians and singers playing 100% live.

Houses of worship are now using digital technology for visual presentation very effectively. That’s uncharted territory for me and quite an opportunity to learn something new. Running a board and mixing I can do, but lighting and video presentation are my weak points. I am nothing if not flexible, so please teach an old dog new tricks.

Stay tuned

A Win is a Win

Congratulations Saints fans! Coach Sean Payton of the New Orleans team made the most gutsy call I’ve ever seen in a Super Bowl. The on-side kick recovered was the pivotal moment for the NFL championship. On the other hand, Peyton Manning’s interception blunder in the fourth quarter sealed the Colt’s fate.

The true winners last night were the fans. It has to be one of the most exciting Super Bowls I have witnessed in 30 years following the sport.

Stay tuned

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Sunday

What are your predictions for tonight’s game? I’ll go out on a limb; the Who will probably sing 3 numbers and break a guitar on stage at half time. There will be some funny new commercials. And, if you’re lucky, there will probably be a football game.

The Super Bowl is usually a very one sided affair and often a boring game; last year was an exception with the Steelers exciting 27 – 23 victory over the Arizona Cardinals.

I am thrilled that the New Orleans Saints made it this year despite my sworn “hatred” for the franchise that has been rivals of my beloved Atlanta Falcons. Following a remarkable recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina the Big Easy has bounced back nicely with a team the city can be very proud of no matter what the outcome tonight.

My wishful thinking prediction has the Saints winning by a field goal in overtime. Peyton Manning and the Colts are going to give Drew Brees and the Saints a real nail-biter. If New Orleans expects to win then they must play a flawless 4 quarters. If not, I give the Indianapolis team the victory 35 – 24.

Stay tuned

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Listen to Daddy

    How often I have jumped to conclusions without having all the information. Today's post is an example of my not listening to that still small voice...
Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
Proverbs 3:3-7 KJV
  Many years ago I received some life changing advice from my then pastor; he said, "Live by these five words, what does the Bible say." He was referring to the best process of vetting the various guidance one receives in life. Sift the wheat from the chaff according to the Word, the one true authority. This pastor urged us to always check even him against this gold standard. He would also detail the hooey we've come to believe that is patently unbiblical. Since then I have been searching for a church that taught the truth in an unpretentious, very down to earth way. Following my time at this particular place, due to divorce from my first wife, I moved on to another affiliation and quickly grew tired of its church as usual mentality; thus my quest began for a congregation unbound by silly traditions.

  After ten years I have found such a church! You may have read a previous post in which I was somewhat indecisive, but my reservations were wrong. I was leaning on my own understanding of partial facts and I had relied on an incomplete picture of the situation; so, I whole heartedly apologize for any misunderstanding of what I have written. I have edited the earlier post to reflect changes. My only regret is that I didn't find this church a decade ago.

Stay tuned

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

It's a Man Thing

  We got some new living room furniture this weekend and had one small problem. What were we to do with the old stuff? I don't have access to a truck so taking away the couch and two chairs seemed an uphill battle. The furniture store charged a substantial delivery fee, but didn't do take away. I wound up taking the Lazy Boy to the Goodwill with no problem in the minivan. The next day when I took the large upholstered chair to the thrift store for donation, the guy almost refused it. It seems that even the Goodwill has its standards. Upon returning home I realized that the couch was too raggedy, but what was I to do with it? The trash man wouldn't pick it up. However, if the sofa was in pieces in bags... you see where I'm going with this. I broke out the heavy artillery: a claw hammer, razor knife, and the pièce de résistance, a Craftsman circular saw! I had so much fun disassembling that the kids envied me. A cloud of cloth and sawdust ensued and we carried out the couch in a thousand pieces. On trash day the unfortunate furniture departed with the rest of the garbage. All you men can now pound your chests and grunt like an ape just like Tim Allen.

Stay tuned

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Skate Times Three

Here's the "new" Gospel Rewind Podcast. Actually it is a rerun of sorts. I have re-voiced Skate, Skate, Skate from last year. The content has been reviewed, fact checked and updated. I have expanded some points for additional clarity.

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

We're One

One month from today Gospel Aircheck will celebrate its first anniversary. Over the past 11 months this blog has changed: at first known as Gospel Rewind, then Radio Rewind, Gospel Webcast and finally, Gospel Aircheck. We now have our own domain name and we are very thankful for our faithful readers and urge you to subscribe! Although our name changed we have remained consistent in providing posts that represent my original intent; telling my story from a ragged beginning in AM radio to the present day finding a New Media home.

Additionally, if you have any suggestions for future topics, please don't hesitate to contact me at

Look for new posts concerning the Gospel Rewind Podcast and the new music I will be recording exclusively for the show.

Stay tuned

©2010 Gospel Aircheck. All rights reserved.

Where O Where?

  Well, today's post is a celebration of a new chapter in our church lives. Angie and I have been actively searching for a better fit in where we worship.
  If you have stumbled upon this post I have a little educational message for you; in our southern US culture, the place where one regularly attends church is priority numero uno.  Finally we all are in complete agreement: the kids are happy, the church is extremely friendly and the congregation has a youthful vigor missing in our most current affiliation. 

Stay tuned

 ©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The New Medium

  A new buzzword is sweeping the radio industry; That is, “New Media.” The term refers to podcasting, web shows, Internet audio and video streaming and such. It is my goal to make at least a dent in the new media pie with my show “Gospel Rewind” For now, the radio station I started last March is on the back burner. The instant, on demand, availability of my shows is very exciting as I introduce an original American art form to a new generation. Gospel music is root to most all genres of current popular music.

  I made a living playing such songs on various traditional AM & FM radio stations over a 12 year period from the early ‘80’s though about ‘95. Music appreciation has been a focus of most of my years since; gravitating to the religious form, mostly. I have noticed living among the Conservative Christian community that secular music is gaining more acceptance with reports of “Christian” stations tweaking their formats to “positive” music allowing the more innocuous mainstream hits airplay. I’m afraid we’ve crossed a dangerous line by mixing secular with sacred. It could spell the end of Contemporary Christian Music as we know it.

  Gospel Rewind will not be watered down. My New Media venture has a much more narrow focus, for sure. We do not limit the show to any sub-genre: Southern, Black Gospel, CCM, Inspirational, Choir, Christian Country, you name it; I have covered it all and try to blend the styles. My most recent podcast Heaven’s Jam is a great example of what I want the show to represent. Give it a listen. You’ll hear gospel music crossing racial barriers in a way I have seldom heard.

  For those not privileged to the episode’s back story; my dad was a blind minister, a piano tuner by trade, who was white. I was his hired assistant and we had, by chance, brought along a Panasonic cassette boom box which we used to record a 14 year old phenom piano player at a small black church in Savannah, Georgia. Often we were treated to our customers’ playing a freshly tuned instrument with much skill, but this cat was off the charts. My dad compared him to Andraé Crouch; for which the young man seemed honored. His father, the pastor, also blind, joined the singing. What sweet music was captured that day. My dad summed up the jam session by saying that a vast majority of true talent is yet to be discovered. For the two of us our cassette document was proof.


Stay tuned